Τετάρτη 1 Ιανουαρίου 2014


Το ζην, μια συλλογή από σχεδόν ατελείωτες επαναλήψεις...
μια δίκη/καταδίκη(;) εντός φυλακής...
ή απλά, ίσως απλά μια επίσκεψη σ' ένα πρόωρα κλιματιζόμενο σουπερμάρκετ...

Καλή χρονιά σε όλους μας :)


(Text written by Lucinda Childs ; To be recited from lying on bed through exit, repeating as necessary.)

I was in this prematurely air-conditioned super market
and there were all these aisles
and there were all these bathing caps that you could buy
which had these kind of Fourth of July plumes on them
they were red and yellow and blue
I wasn't tempted to buy one
but I was reminded of the fact that I had been avoiding
the beach.


(text written by Christopher Knowles ; to be recited from the Patty Hearst moves through the exit.)

So uh this is abut the uh things on the table
so this one will be counting up
If you see any of those baggy pants, chuck the hills
And if somehody asked him, it was trees

the uh scarf of where in black and white
that this one will be sittin'
this about the uh things on the table
this will be counting up

so uh uh this is about the uh things on the table
the uh scarf of where in black and white
that this one is sittin'
this is about the uh things that were
If you see any of those, then this could be one of them
so stop here so stop this so look here
so this is written
Hey Mr Bojangles
Hey Mr Bojangles
Hey Mr Bojangles
so this could be the one that was
so if you see this one, then...

(Inserts at the machine gun and/or the music change [25]) :

Gun gun gun gun
Hey Mr Bojangles
Hey Mr Bojangles
Hey Mr Bojangles
Christopher Knowles bank robbery
so if you know
bank robbery bank robbery bank robbery is punishable by
20 years in federal prison so this is written
so if you know this is one so so look here
so Christopher Knowles and the Beatles
so so

(Repeat 'Hey, Mr. Bojangles' until exit.)
See also: Philip Glass, ReleaseLyrics


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